Sunday, July 25, 2010

You say say it's your birthday...

It's my birthday too, yeah!

24 years of existence repays me with Joanna Newsom's splendid new album 'Have One On Me', a b/w check shirt, a black waistcoat (which i'm currently sporting), a Bonsai tree, and a shiny Canon Ixus 110.

Also saw Toy Story 3 last night... great film... my heartstrings were well and truly yanked, quoquoversus.


Unrequired said...

Damn... a new camera, one of your fave artist's CDs and a bonsai tree!!! Amazing. I want a bonsai tree... :( I bet those clothes are sweet too... Hope you had a wonderful birthday... *hug*

Unrequired said...
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G said...

that's ok, thanks for the thought, and the birthday wishes.